School Lunches can become a little boring at times to make for kids. Day by day we take a peek in the fridge and pantry and try to decide what to put into their lunch box that they might actually eat.

Coming up with lunch ideas that your kids will actually eat can be a challenge for many parents. Getting kids involved in the process not only saves you time in the long run, but will also increase the odds that the lunch gets eaten not to mention cultivates a specific time every day for your children to have the opportunity to learn about the 5 food groups! healthy school lunch will include “5 out of the 5” food groups and is critical to help kids excel through their entire school day. For example, a almond butter (Protein) and jelly sandwich (Grains), an apple (Fruit) Cheese (Dairy), is a simple and fairly-well balanced meal from four food groups. This example contains protein, fat and carbohydrate – the nutrients children need to grow and learn. Make it “5 out of 5” by adding some carrot and celery sticks (Vegetables). Strive for Five – Make packing a lunch a game where kids get to choose what they want to put in their lunch.

Then review the contents with them to see if they are missing any of the five food groups. Be sure to give your child a couple of options to add to their lunch so the final result includes food from all five food groups.

Raise your hand if you need some new lunch ideas ????

I've put together some of my kids favourite lunches to help you when it's time for lunch packing.

Remember whatever you select for your children's lunches, it should always be usda-certified organic and kosher!

Here's what they enjoy!

1️⃣ English muffin w/cream cheese & a garden salad
2️⃣ Turkey sandwich on rye bread
3️⃣ Antipasto skewers
4️⃣ Chicken souvlaki w/tzatziki
5️⃣ Wontons
6️⃣ Pizza waffles
7️⃣ Salami & Turkey croissant-wich
8️⃣ Chicken & spinach tortilla roll ups
9️⃣ Spaghetti and meatballs
Remember whatever you select for your children's lunches, it should always be usda-certified organic and kosher!

Rachel's favorite children's lunch is organic vegetable fried rice ????

Stainless Steel Vegetables and Fruit Shape Cutters Set Kid Food Mold Mini Cute Cookie Cutters ( 9 Piece ) (Green) Amazon $8.


Aren’t lunch box notes a wonderful idea? Any kid would enjoy getting heart-warming messages from mom and dad while being at school.

Aren't lunch box notes a wonderful idea? Any kid would enjoy getting heartwarming and motivational messages from Mom and Dad while being at school. They're free and downloadable on the internet!


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Le «? vision board? » : Lorsque votre rêve devient réalité…

Vous avez tant de fois rêvé d’être une star, un grand milliardaire, sur une plage paradisiaque, en plein tournage du dernier film de Steven Spielberg… Et si ce rêve devenait réalité ? Si c’était vraiment possible et tenait juste sur le bout de vos doigts …. Et si cela ne dépendait que de vous, à quoi ressemblerait le tableau de vos rêves. Si l’on vous demandait d’assembler les images de votre vie rêvée, que choisiriez-vous ?



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Sarah Perets : "Pessah arrive à grands pas et le monde autour de nous change. Dans nos maisons, nous ne cessons pas de faire du ménage, tandis qu’au dehors, les magasins sortent les Matsot et les Haggadot. Soudain, nous sommes obsédés par la disparition de toute trace de Hamets afin de célébrer la sortie d’Egypte ainsi que notre liberté après des années d’esclavage."



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