A day unique and distinct from the rest of the year, by RABBI JOSHUA BITTAN

It is a day when Jewish people in synagogues all over the world immerse in spirituality. It is a day that brings to all of us a sense of purity.
Fasting, praying and chanting praises to Hashem, we emulate angels and soar towards an inspired state unlike any other time of the year.
Historically, Yom Kippur is the day that Moshe Rabbenu came back for the third time from 40 days of fasting when he went up to shamayim. Hashem
forgave Am Israel the sin of the golden calf and Moshe Rabbenu brought down with him the second set of Torah Tablets. In a sense, aside from the theme of Teshuvah (repentance) and forgiveness as central themes of the day, Yom Kippur is also a day that we received the Torah the second time.
Yom Kippur is a day of mercy and forgiveness. It is a day of salvation. It is a day most opportune for opening a clean page, as Hashem bestows upon the repentant, the gift of spiritual purity.

Teshuvah, repentance and the resulting forgiveness is a Divine gift of the greatest importance.
On this day the intrinsic goodness of every Jew comes to the forefront. A special radiance shines from above and reaches into this world on this date and it can bring out the best of us as far as our faith in Hashem.
If on Rosh Hashanah the whole of Mankind is judged, Yom Kippur is a special day for us the Jewish People. Today is a day of unity and reconciliation. It is a day to reach out and love our fellow Jews. Forgiveness brings about unity. The second Tablets were given on the day of Yom Kippur a day when all Jews are united in synagogues. We may be fragmented throughout the year but on Yom Kippur we all unite and come together in communities all over the world. In fact, there is a tremendous power in unity.
On Yom Kippur we feel a sense of belonging, of being part of a community, part of an enlightened people. When the Torah was given on Mount Sinai, the text describes the Jewish people as being united.
Am echad belev echad, one nation with one heart. On Yom Kippur we feel that sense of unity. Veahavta Lereacha kamocha ze klal gadol batorah - Love your fellow a yourself is a great rule in the Torah, Achdut –unity is a prerequisite for Torah.

On this day the intrinsic goodness of every Jew comes to the forefront.

After the golden calf, disunity ensued and only when unity returned on Yom Kippur through repentance and forgiveness the second tablets were given.
Teshuvah and forgiveness are so important that only on a day such as Yom Kippur; The Cohen Gadol is allowed to go into Kodesh Hakodashim – The Holy of Holies which is the holiest place in Bet Hamikdash.
In the center of the Holy of Holies, was the ark with the Tablets of Torah indicating the focal importance of Torah for the Jewish People. The Torah has been likened to water. The same way that water sustains life, the Torah sustains the Jewish People and the same way that immersing in rain water purifies a person, the Torah purifies Am Israel.

Yom Kippur is a Day of Awe, a day of trepidation as one realizes the implications of the High Holidays for the coming year (May it be a year of many blessings). It is also a super day of holiness:

A day for each of us to repent for his misdeeds and to rededicate himself to Torah values, to his community and the Jewish People. The challenge is to preserve with us some of the holiness of the day into the rest of the year and to have the other days of the year inspired and nurtured by this holiest of days.

According to the Sfat Emet, we start Yom Kippur while it is daylight and we end after it is dark to blend some of the Yom Kippur holiness into the rest of the year.
The Jewish People is a “Am Kadosh” – a Holy Nation. That title is applicable every single day of the year. On Yom Kippur we get to feel some of the holiness when one is dedicated to the spiritual, in repentance, faith unity and respect for our Holy Torah.
Let us carry with us these cherished values as our guide for the rest of the year beyond the mundane and in a sanctified lifestyle.



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